Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Evolution of telecommunication: wire to wireless


Wired communication refer to transmission over a wire communication channel like fiber optic. On the other hand, communication technologies that don't use wire like wifi is known as wireless.

In 1793, Claude Chappe invent the first long-distance semaphore (visual or optical) telegraph line. In 1821, Joseph Wheatstone, invented the first microphone. In 1831, Joseph Henry invented the first electric telegraph. In 1835, Samuel Morse invented Morse code. In 1843, Samuel Morse invented the first long distance electric telegraph line. At the same year, Alexander Bain patents the first fax machine. In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell patents the electric telephone. In 1889, Almon Strowger, patents the direct dial telephone or automatic telephone exchange. In 1894, Guglielmo Marconi, improves wireless telegraphy.

In 1898, the first telephone answering machine was invented. This allows automatic phone call answering while receivers were away. In 1902, Guglielmo Marconi transmits radio signals from Cornwall (UK) to Newfoundland (North America). This is the first radio signal sent across the Atlantic Ocean. In 1906, Lee Deforest invents the electronic amplifying tube or triode. This allowed all electronic signals to be amplified improving all electronic communications. For example, telephones and radios. In 1914, the first cross continental telephone call made. In 1916, First radio with tuners was discovered by using different frequency to communicate with different station. In 1925, John Logie Baird, transmits the first experimental television signal. In 1927, NBC start 2 radios networks and the first television broadcast in England. In 1930, US had its first television broadcast.
In 1949, the first network TV starts in US. In 1966, Xerox invents the Telecopier, the first successful fax machine. In 1969, the first Internet, ARPANET started. In 1972, HBO invents pay-TV service for cable. In 1976, Apple 1 home computer invented and the First nationwide programming via satellite and implemented by Ted Turner. In 1979, the first mobile phone starts in Japan. In 1994, US government releases control of internet and WWW is born.

The future of telecommunication is on the way and changing. The two most visible changes in our telecommunication networks within the foreseeable future will be increase speed and access. With the growth and incresing dependability of wireless network, land lines and the use of copper coaxial cabling will eventually become a thing of the past. Telecommunication industry will soon undergo a shift of wireless and fiber optic technologies which will increase the potential for technology and the services that will be offer by telecommunication company. In addition price will also decrease.

Evolution of Telecommunication over the years---
History of telecommunication


Data management- the evolution of data management technology: from traditional file to Warehouse

Data management approach instead of traditional file processing. Traditional method leading to 4 main problems, there are data redundancy, lack of integration, data dependence and lack of standardization.

Evolution of Data management technology (DBMS) technology

In the 1960s, network and hierarchical systems such as CODASYL and IMSTM were the state-of-the -art technology for automated banking, accounting, and order processing systems. Their basic architecture mixed the physical manipulation of data with its logical manipulation

A revolutionary paper by Codd in 1970. Codd's relational model introduced the notion of data independence, which separated the physical representation of data from the logical representation presented to applications. Data could be moved from one part of the disk to another or stored in a different format without causing applications to be rewritten. Application developers were freed from the tedious physical details of data manipulation, and could focus instead on the logical manipulation of data in the context of their specific application.

The foundation of the DBMS platform is a state-of-the art database architecture that seamlessly provides both relational and native XML as first class data models. That database technology provides the strongest foundation for an information integration platform for three significant reasons

First, DBMSs have proven to be hugely successful in managing the information.DBMSs deal quite naturally with the storage, retrieval, transformation, scalability, reliability, and availability challenges associated with robust data management.

Secondly, the database industry has shown that it can adapt quickly to accommodate the diversity of data and access patterns introduced by e-business applications over the past 6 years.

Thirdly, a platform that exploits and enhances the DBMS architecture at all levels is in the best position to provide robust end-to-end information integration.

In the 1970s, the data-processing department was not able to handle huge backlogs of requests for data analysis. Applications data was hidden behind mainframe files and databases, and it was periodically recorded in tapes for specific information manipulation.

Since the 1990s, data warehousing has become the most feasible solution to optimize and manipulate data (DBMS) . The current practice is to gather the data that is needed in an optimized database, regardless of the number of different applications and different platforms that are used to generate the source data.



Thursday, February 25, 2010

IS software-The comparison between general purpose application software and function-specific application software

Application software is known as end-user software that used to accomplish a variety of task. Application software can be divided into two categories: general purpose application software and function-specific application software. General purpose application software is using for majority of task and performance and it widely used by every profession. Function-specified application software is used only for specific task within specific profession.

General purpose application software included spreadsheet, word processing, data base management systems and presentation graphics. These software sometimes comes with a group that known as integrated packages and software suite.

Function-specific application software is mainly using in graphic, audio and video, multimedia, web authoring and artificial intelligence. Some of the software was developed to complete specific task on specific field like education, engineering, science, banking and finance.

General purpose application software and function-specific application software is different because they have different features. General purpose application software have a common features where can be used in most of the discipline and occupation where the function-specific application software can only be used on specific discipline and occupation because of specific features.


Media PLayer Word Processing

General purpose application software is different from function-specific software because it had a different purpose for usage. Function-specific application software seems like more professional and understanding the task they do. A graphical general purpose application software may be satisfy mostly the general user but not the people who working for graphical design or artistic. These group people may require function-specific application software in order to complete their job.

Links :,2542,t=application+software&i=37931,00.asp


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

IS HardWare- The Evolution of computer system

Mainframes are computers used mainly by large organizations for critical applications, typically bulk data processing such as census, industry/consumer statistics, ERP, and financial transaction processing. The large primary storage capacity and high transaction processing can handle complex computations. Besides, it also becomes a popular computing platform for data mining, warehousing, and electronic commerce applications.

Minicomputer is a largely obsolete term for a class of multi-user computers which make up the middle range of the computing spectrum which is the high-end network that handle large scale processing of business applications. More modern terms for such machines include midrange systems, workstations and servers.

In addition, a microcomputer is most often taken to mean a computer with a microprocessor as its CPU. It usually called a personal computer or PC. Another general characteristic of these computers is that they occupy physically small amounts of space. The computing power now exceeds that of the mainframes of previous generation and the networked professional workstations used by business processions.

A supercomputer is a computer that leads the world in terms of processing capacity, particularly speed of calculation, at the time of its introduction. It extremely powerful systems designed for scientific, engineering, and business application. It can be uses on parallel processing due to the billions to trillions of operations per second to handle the complicated calculation and computing processions.


Video for evolution of computer system--

Articles and journal of evolution of computer system--

Computer system analysis--


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Liew Yong Shiung

Name : Liew Yong Shiung
Sex : Male
Birthday : 12 May 1988
Hometown : Ipoh
Hobby : Badminton, chit-chat, and business stuff

Course :
Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) Entrepreneurship

Top 5 Websites visit the most :
5) zone)

Internet activities : Search for any graphical infomation or seek for entertainment, seek for any infomation about pc hardware related infomation, economic, business and school assignment, search for PC hardware price list, check e-mail, print note and OPAC.


Vincent Lee Pei Chuan

Name : Vincent Lee Pei Chuan
Sex : Male
Birthday : 21 November 1990
Hometown : Ipoh
Hobby : Reading Jogging, Listen to music

Course : Bachelor of Business Administration

Top 5 Websites visit the most :

Internet activities : Chatting, Watching online movie, Download, Searching news, Gaming
